Introduction to Updates in Tunny V0.11



Implementation of without UI Optimization Mode

Until now, we have received many requests to perform optimization without a UI. In this update, we have implemented a BoneFish component to address this need.

The operation is as follows:

When the input to Start becomes True, the optimization is executed.

The optimization stops when the input to Stop becomes True, or when the set number of trials or the set elapsed time is reached.

Upon stopping, all trials are output to "All", and the Pareto front trials are output to "Best".


This component does not have a UI for configuring the optimization. It uses the settings from the last performed optimization as is. If you want to change the optimization settings, please use the Tunny UI from the regular Tunny optimization component.

The above example can be run with the following file:

Support for Categorical Optimization

Optimization using NumberSlider implicitly assumes the distance between variables. For example, the variables "1,2,3,4" use the fact that 1+1 equals 2, meaning the distance between 1 and 2 is 1, to perform optimization.

On the other hand, when selecting from three truss shapes such as "Warren truss, Howe truss, and Pratt truss", the distances between these three are not well-defined. Changing this with NumberSlider will not result in proper optimization. This type of optimization is called categorical optimization.

In this update, we have added support for this type of optimization. Since it cannot be handled well with NumberSlider, we have made it possible to take Value List as input for variables.


The above example can be run with the following file: